Armanini, Kolodychak, & Basile, L.L.P.

Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extraction in Erie, Pa.

At Armanini, Kolodychak, & Basile, L.L.P., our primary goal is to preserve your teeth and dental structure. Tooth removal should be viewed as a necessity when other efforts to save the tooth have failed. Drs. Armanini, Kolodychak, and Basile, will work together with your referring Dentist to deliver your necessary care.

Reasons for Tooth Extractions

Do I Need My Tooth Removed? | Schedule a Consultation

Your dentist may recommend tooth extraction for a variety of reasons. Teeth that are non-restorable, severely decayed, or showing advanced periodontal disease, are likely indicated for removal. Occasionally, impacted teeth may be poorly positioned, and require removal or additional treatment in conjunction with orthodontic therapy. Our doctors will discuss all types of treatment options available to you.

Tooth Extraction: Post-Operative Care & Instructions

What to Do After a Tooth Extraction

Drs. Armanini, Kolodychak, and Basile, provide individually tailored instructions for post-operative care following a tooth extraction. First, we recommend biting on gauze that will be given to you for thirty-to-forty-five-minute intervals immediately following the procedure. This will help a blood clot to form in the surgical site. One the clot forms and the bleeding has subsided; you may discontinue using gauze. It is important not to aggravate the surgical site. Avoid rinsing vigorously, using straws, smoking, vaping, or brushing your teeth near the extraction site for 72 hours following your procedure. Limit significant physical activity for the next 72 hours, as increased blood pressure could lead to increased swelling and bleeding.

It is natural to experience some discomfort and swelling following surgery. Typically, these symptoms peak around 72 hours after your procedure. Be sure to stay hydrated, take all recommended medications, and consume softer foods immediately following your procedure. It is also important to maintain your normal dental hygiene following your care with us. Please review your post-op instruction sheet, and if you have any additional questions or concerns, you may contact us at (814) 838-2144.


Our Process

Step 1

Visit Your Dentist

Step 2

Get Referral From Dentist

Step 3

Schedule Appointment

Step 4

Have Your Surgery!

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Our practice offers the latest in advanced technology in an environment of warm and attentive patient care. We look forward to meeting you!

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